About the WorkforceRx Podcast
Van Ton-Quinlivan: We launched this podcast, WorkforceRx with Futuro Health, because really there’s never been a stronger need for workers to adapt. The rate of change is accelerating so quickly that we need new and innovative strategies to help individuals and workers pace with that rate of change. When I was in the California community college system as executive vice chancellor, we used to talk about education needing to pace with the rate of business. The truth is now, with the pandemic and other things that are going on, higher education needs to pace with the rate of change, not just only the pace of business, which is quite sharp. So we need to bring together the collective ingenuity of the leaders who are thinking about the future of work, the future of care, the future of higher education, as well as alternative education-to-work models. And we need to draw on this collective ingenuity to uncover ways to develop work, workers and economic opportunity. We hope listeners will enjoy the leaders who will be invited to share their best practices and promising practices and consider how these innovations relate to their own organizations, their own communities and the broader world of workforce around them.