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There's a lot of talk about the dangers of the nursing shortage, but one important piece of the puzzle that drives part of that shortage often gets left out—the lack of nursing instructors to teach future nurses.
yahoo finance
Healthcare job gains have been on a hot streak, adding positions faster every month than most other sectors and continuing to climb as demand for care surges.
The comic strip by Jacob Andrews was published nearly a decade ago, yet it still captures the frustrating Catch-22 shared by job seekers on social media today: They can’t get a job because they lack experience, and they don’t have experience because they can’t get a job.
The CMS Actuaries’ newest spending projections are challenging healthcare as never before
Mental health inequities are costing the U.S. $477.5 billion annually. This could rise to $1.3 trillion in 2040 if left unaddressed.
When Wymon Johnson invited his older brother Obie to move into his one-bedroom apartment in Bakersfield, California, it was supposed to be temporary. But soon after, Obie got pneumonia. Next, he was diagnosed with a serious lung illness (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD), diabetes, and then kidney failure, all in 2010.
With the growing popularity of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools, many fear there will be less work for employees to take on – as AI can now complete tasks such as research, data entry, and email writing.
Family caregivers are struggling to work while juggling caregiving responsibilities, which could threaten a large part of the workforce unless employers are more supportive, a new study reports.
AI Index Report
The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced.
The pandemic heightened awareness of the foundational role that caregiving plays in the US economy. Yet care infrastructure for childcare, eldercare, and other caregiving needs in the US today remains broken.
With rates of suicide and opioid deaths rising in the past decade and children's mental health declared a national emergency, the United States faces an unprecedented mental health crisis.
Together in Healthcare: Building a Stronger Future
health affairs
In November 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an increase in the age-adjusted suicide rate since 2021.
ABC News
Bay Area mental health professionals are "burned out" leading to a "difficult" workforce shortage that's impacting California
American College of Healthcare Executives
ACHE's most recent Top Issues Confronting Hospitals Survey identified the following top challenges for hospitals in 2023
Neuroscience News
New research highlights a significant loneliness gap between middle-aged adults in the U.S. and their European counterparts, with Americans experiencing higher levels.
California’s EMT and Paramedic Workforce

Characteristics of California’s EMT and Paramedic Workforce

Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics play critical roles in delivering emergency services to Californians.
AR Annual Reviews
Family members are the primary source of support for older adults with chronic illness and disability.
For the past four years, Chad Semling has coped with serious illness, including chronic infections, a weakened liver and a damaged heart.