AlliedUP, a new allied health staffing company structured as a co-op in which the workers are the owners, is turning the traditional staffing model on its head. And the timing couldn’t be better.
“The impacts of COVID and national social justice movements have made it clear that the traditional, employer-centric staffing model does not serve allied health workers in an equitable way that moves them on a trajectory to living-wage careers,” said AlliedUP CEO Carey Carpineta. “AlliedUP serves workers first, ensuring that they have access to the support needed for long-term growth and prosperity.”
AlliedUP makes this connection possible by pairing its members with work arrangements that suit their lifestyle, including full-time jobs, temporary assignments and even a few shifts to make ends meet. And the benefits don’t stop there.
“We want our workers to look at AlliedUP as their employer for life,” said Carpineta. To that end, AlliedUP also offers mentorships, access to affordable education programs, and plans to provide secure healthcare and retirement benefits to qualifying owner-workers. Projected to begin in 2024, owner-workers will receive annual dividends, helping them build long-term wealth.
Central to AlliedUP’s vision is its goal of inclusivity, which focuses on working towards overcoming workforce inequalities through providing a support community based upon the values of inclusivity, integrity, compassion, and value for all. AlliedUP’s unique model focuses on high-touch strategies that position workers to grow in their careers and find jobs that pay union scale wages, all while giving the support needed to succeed from post-graduation through retirement.
“We are about creating opportunities and appreciate the work arrangements available through AlliedUP,” said Van Ton-Quinlivan, CEO of Futuro Health, a $130 million nonprofit established to address the nation’s allied health workforce shortage. “AlliedUP’s long-term focus on employee ownership and support will keep our graduates thriving in allied health careers.”
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AlliedUP workers will be represented by SEIU-UHW.