Jessica L., MS, B.S.R.T. (R)(CT)
Director, Pathways and Program Management
As the Director of Pathways and Program Management, Jessica oversees the quality, relevance and robustness of Futuro Health’s education and training offerings. Jessica comes to Futuro Health with nearly 25 years of experience in healthcare education, program development and leadership. Her diverse background and expertise have put her at the forefront of national efforts working to shape and elevate allied health education and workforce development models.
Jessica is a nationally certified radiologic technologist by trade, but most of her career has been spent in academic and corporate leadership roles across the Midwest. She has held the positions of Program Director, Health Science Program Chair, Director of Education and most recently Executive Director for a leading allied health credentialing and learning resource organization. Jessica is also an avid healthcare advocate, volunteering her time on multiple credentialing advisory boards and as an advisory council member for the Coalition for Workforce Development Through CTE. These experiences support her efforts to lead and achieve a skilled and diverse workforce charged with delivering high quality patient care across our health care ecosystem.
Jessica earned her Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Pittsburg State University and her bachelor’s degree in medical Diagnostic Imaging from Fort Hays State University. She is a published author, speaker, and industry expert and is regularly invited to collaborate on topics related to healthcare education, advancement, advocacy and allied health industry trends.